Confidentiality is guaranteed at Samuel J. Associates. The information you provide will not be disclosed to an employer without your consent. We will request your consent after you show interest in pursuing a potential position that we have presented to you.
The first and most important part of your search for a new position is establishing your short and long-term goals for your career and family. A move today to higher-level positions can mean a geographic move as well. There should be forethought and family discussion before you begin the search. In many families the spouse will also be making a change. Be certain that the family is a part of your search process and address all of their needs where you can.
We understand the importance of maintaining strong working relationships with employers; and networking for your successful placement in retail profession. We offer comprehensive consulting services for your career development and advancement. At Samuel J. Associates, we recognize the value of matching you with a company that will further your personal and professional career goals. We are committed to selecting the best companies that can offer the most for you. Our goal is to place you in a fast-track career opportunity where you can enjoy a profitable, mutually beneficial relationship with your employer.
Should you wish to take advantage of the services we offer, whether or not you have committed to making a career change or just exploring your options, we would be happy to speak with you. We will assist you in determining and mutually agree on whether we are the most appropriate resource to meet your needs. Please email us at or call one of our consultants directly at (561) 637-5777.